  Main Partner:
- • Institute of Preventive Medicine, Environmental and Occupational Health, Prolepsis – Greece
  Associated Partners:
- • National Institute of Infectious Diseases Prof Dr Matei Bals - Romania
- • Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine - Poland
- • Mokymų Tyrimų ir Vystymo Centras - Lithuania
- • Istituto Superiore Di Sanità - Italy
- • Fundatia Romtens - Romania
- • Cyprus University of Technology - Cyprus
- • Technische Universität Dresden - Germany
- • National Hellenic Nurses Association - Greece
- • Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention - Greece
  Collaborating Partners:
- • Occupational Health (OCH) WHO/EURO Centre for Environment and Health - Germany
- • Health Protection Agency, Centre for Infectious Diseases - UK
Cyprus University of Technology
The Cyprus International Institute for Environmental and Public Health (CII) is an international research, education and technology initiative for environmental and public health. It was established by the Government of Cyprus and Harvard University to address environmental and public health issues in Cyprus and throughout a broad region including the eastern Mediterranean, northern Africa and the Middle East.
The CII has positioned itself as a regional academic and research center of excellence in environmental and public health issues. Its mission is to provide world-class educational and research opportunities to students and scholars from the region, as well as to disseminate relevant information to the media and lay public through its outreach activities; furthermore, to investigate population risks associated with environmental exposures, to identify susceptible sub-populations and to provide scientific evidence for sound environmental health policies.
From 2004 to 2009 the CII operated as an independent Institute in Nicosia. In August of 2009 the Institute moved to Limassol, where it now operates as an element of the Cyprus University of Technology, under its School of Health Sciences, in association with the Harvard School of Public Health.
Contact Details:
Costas Christophi
95 Eirinis Street, Limassol 3041,Cyprus
Tel.: +357 25002393,
Fax: +357 25002393
Email: costas.christophi@cut.ac.cy
Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine
The Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine (NIOM), Lodz, Poland, was founded in 1954. It is a complex research and development centre with activities covering not only the field broadly-understood as occupational medicine (inter alia diagnostics, prevention and treatment of occupational diseases) but also a wider range of activities (inter alia working population politics or health promotion). Since 1975 NIOM has been playing the role of World Health Organisation (WHO) Collaborating Centre in Occupational Health.
NIOM provides background research and expertise to the Ministry of Health and serves as an advisory body to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and numerous governmental agencies, including State Sanitary Inspectorate and State Labour Inspectorate, and also to local administration, trade unions and industry. It promotes healthy lifestyles among Polish workers with the main goal of improving the quality of life and having a positive impact on workers' health, work environment and work capability. It has been involved in post-graduate training, editorial activities, and regulatory activities with respect to occupational safety and health and environmental health hazards.
The National Centre for Workplace Health Promotion is responsible at NIOM for research and analysis of conditions, processes and effects of workplace health promotion (WHP) at the national, regional and enterprise level as well as of health related behaviour determinants in working population; training of specialist in the area of WHP popularization, implementation and evaluation (including activities in the field of cyberbullying). The Centre coordinates activities of the National Network for Workplace Health Promotion, published over 12 manuals on WHP.
Istituto Superiore Di Sanità
The National Institute of Health / Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) is the leading technical and scientific public body of the Italian National Health Service. Its activities include research, control, training and consultation in the interest of public health protection. In detail, the ISS conducts scientific research in a wide variety of fields, from cutting-edge molecular and genetic research to population-based studies of risk factors for disease and disability. Research priorities are based on those set in the National Health Plan.
ISS is organized in 11 Departments and National Centres, including the National Centre for Epidemiology, Surveillance and Health Promotion, whose mission is to develop and apply epidemiological and biostatistical methods to monitor and protect human health and to evaluate health services.
The Unit of Communicable Disease Epidemiology of the National Centre of Epidemiology provides scientific evidence to support decision making in public health with regard to prevention and control of infectious disease. The Unit's activities, in agreement with policy and indication from the European Commission, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and the World Health Organization, are selected according to the immediate impact on the National Health Service. The Unit is also engaged in international activities, promoted by the European Commission and by the World Health Organization. It is involved in the national and European training programme for field epidemiology (EPIET) and provides staff for courses in infectious disease epidemiology and vaccinology, mostly devoted to the Italian National Health Service staff.
The Unit reflects the three components of the whole Center:
• Epidemiology: Studies on the frequency of some infectious diseases and their determinants. Field surveys on outbreaks, on request by the National Health Service or international organizations. Analytical studies on vaccines and vaccination (including clinical trial). Mathematical models on the spread of some infectious diseases to assess the impact of prevention interventions.
• Surveillance: Setting up of experimental surveillance systems, such as the networks of sentinel physicians and of microbiological laboratories, and systems based on alternative sources of information for early warning; evaluation of existing systems; collaboration with government or local authorities in the management and analysis of existing data and for special surveillance activities in case of mass gathering event or health emergency. At present the Unit coordinates six surveillance systems with national coverage and international relevance (flu, legionellosis, invasive bacterial infections including bacterial meningitis, measles, congenital rubella, AR-ISS on antimicrobial resistance).
• Health Promotion: Dissemination of the results of the above studies, also through dedicated websites. Collaboration in the preparation of the Vaccine National Plan, the Measles and Rubella Eradication Plan, Pandemic Preparedness Plan and of the Annual Health Report. Advice and expertise are also provided at national and international level for reviewing scientific documentation.
Contact details:
Silvia Declich
Head of the Communicable Disease Epidemiology Unit
National Centre for Epidemiology, Surveillance and Health Promotion
National Institute of Health / Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS)
Viale Regina Elena, 299 00162 Rome, Italy
Τel.: +39 (06) 4990 4066,
Fax: +39 (06) 4990 4267
Email: silvia.declich@iss.it
Fundatia Romtens
Romtens Foundation is a non-governmental organization, recognized by the government of Romania as a public utility organization. Romtens Foundation is specialized in health promotion, applying scientific research, evaluation and technical assistance expertise to a wide range of issues from social and public health field.
Romtens Foundation has been continuously developing health promotion activities for the past 12 years in different areas: healthy behaviours, communication, tobacco control, workplace related stress, mental health. The Foundation is also working to encourage improvements in the efficiency and efficacy of health services by seeking to involve other NGO's and different medical and non-medical institutions in the development of local and regional networks in public health and health promotion activities.
Romtens Foundation is currently working in the following areas:
• Technical Assistance and Evaluation Services provided to government, community organizations, and businesses, relying on sound information, analysis and strategic thinking as the best foundations for decision-making;
• Quantitative and Qualitative Research applied to provide stakeholders with reliable information about the effectiveness of existing policies and potential strategies for action;
• Monitoring and Evaluation Plans spanned from small pin pointed interventions (various needs assessment research initiatives) to large ones built up for large nationwide interventions;
• Training in health related regulatory requirements, program guidelines, policies and practices, and management improvements;
• Promotion and Information Campaigns using a wide array of communication techniques harnessed in projects for communicating specific messages to a broader audience, for communicating specific information to targeted/specific audiences, or because the project aimed at improving communication through its specific techniques.
Contact Details:
Dr. Theodor Haratau
Stirbei Voda 107, bloc 24C, sc. A, et. 3, apt. 11, Sector 1, 010108, Bucharest, Romania
Tel: +40 21 637 30 02
Fax: +40 21 637 30 84
Mobile: +40 723 194 098
E-mail: theodor.haratau@romtens.ro
Mokymų Tyrimų ir Vystymo Centras
The Public Establishment "MTVC" (Training, Research and Development Center) focuses on developments in health and social sectors. The main MTVC activities are targeted at performing applied research internationally (like taking part in two scientific projects funded under the EC 7th Framework) or nationally (e.g. recent Methadone program evaluation in Lithuania for UNODC, preparing Lithuanian health system analytical description for European Observatory, etc.), conducting evaluations of health policy, programmes and projects and providing trainings in public health, health and social care, economics. The experts of the "MTVC" have longevous professional research, consulting, project elaboration/implementation experience working in team of different background specialists.
Contact Details:
Research Association Public Health Saxony
The Research Association Public Health Saxony began to work on 01 April 1994. From 1994 to 2003 the Research Association was funded in three phases by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Since the beginning the office of the Research Association Public Health Saxony is located at the Medical Faculty of the TU Dresden. After expiry of the BMBF funding period in 2003, the Research Association Public Health Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt was founded (FVPHS-SA). There is close cooperation between the Research Association and other departments at the Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden) as well as other universities and the German Hygiene Museum (Deutsches Hygiene-Museum). Cooperation partners are also ministries, public utilities, associations, research institutions as well as public authorities, health insurances and institutions outside the medical care. In addition, the Research Association has a large network of national and international partners.
The Research Association Public Health Saxony is involved as a partner in several EU- and WHO- projects. In addition, the Research Association carries out other national and international projects (e.g. in cooperation with the German Federal Ministry of Research and Technology (BMBF), the German Nutrition Association (DGE) or the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)).
The multidisciplinary team consists of scientists from different fields, for example: medicine, sociology, public health, politics, management, nutrition sciences and care management. For the realization of research plans the Research Association Public Health Saxony is supported by representatives from politics and the economy.
Research priorities are:
- Health risks and health promotion
- Children and adolescents
- Dental Health
- Health care quality
- Quality assurance and economy of health services
- Nutrition
- Information and Communication in Health Care.
In 2004, the Working Party Lifestyle, European Community (EC) Luxembourg, was established in the Research Association with an office in Dresden. The aim of the Working Party was to improve information and knowledge on lifestyle relevant aspects of public health, the collection, processing and distribution of lifestyle relevant data. The Working Party Lifestyle was a forum for discussion and exchange of experiences and helped to establish and maintain a sustainable health monitoring system.
The editorial office of the Journal of Public Health and the German journal "Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung" (Prevention and Health Promotion) as well as the editing of the section Prevention and Health Services Research of the journal "Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift" (German Medical Journal) is located at the Research Association Public Health Saxony.
In addition, Public Health in Dresden has organized of a variety of workshops, small conferences and several major conferences (e.g. EUPHA Annual Meetings, National Prevention Conferences).
Contact Details:
Research Association Public Health
Fiedlerstr. 33, 01307 Dresden, Germany
Tel.: +49 351 458 4490,
Fax: +49 351 458-5338
Email: public.health@mailbox.tu-dresden.de